If you dare to be bold. To think differently. To better the world.




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We do it differently.

Big change is about thinking differently, so that’s what we do.

Our Ethos

We are Samaipata.

We don't mandate nor overpromise, our goal is to empower.

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We got your back.

It takes so much more than capital, we call it The Hive.

The Hive

They are chasing a vision

We believe in people and their potential to change the world through innovation.
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How we think

We are high-conviction investors. We strive to cut through the noise.

AI might finally make SMB SaaS work

For decades, serving SMBs has been a graveyard for startups - too expensive to acquire, too costly to serve, too prone to churn. Despite the sheer number of small and medium-sized businesses (over 23 million in Europe alone), SaaS companies have historically struggled to make the economics work.
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